Monday, July 23, 2012

How to Get Free TV Advertising

Most companies are looking for ways to advertise their products and services within a budget. Print, radio and television advertising are all great ways to get publicity to potential clients. Television commercials can be expensive, but it can also reach a large audience. If you want to advertise on TV but you don't have the budget for it, then you can suggest a story idea to a local news show in hopes that they will report on it. Many news stations report for free on press releases, upcoming events, sponsorships and more. Learn how to get free TV advertising.



Submit a Story Idea

1. Create a catchy press release. This should include all the information about a new product, sale, promotion or service that is offered and only available through your business. Include high-quality images.

a. A press release should only be 1 page. Few people will spend time reading a whole story, so choose a catchy headline and make arguments for how it is relevant at this time. Include your name, phone number and email address so the television station can follow up.

b. Consider including 3 or more images. You want to communicate that this is a visual story. If your release can encourage the news station to shoot a story, then you are likely to benefit greatly.

c. Focus on 1 subject that suggests 1 story. Your press release will catch the most attention if it convinces the station that there is a ready-made story that simply needs a reporter.

2. Submit your press release to television station producers or the chief of staff at a television news channel. Try to choose a time of year when there isn't a heavy news stream, such as graduation time, mid-summer or Christmastime.

*Search online for local television stations, producers, shows and contacts. Make a thorough list of the people, the subjects of the shows and what they like to report on. Consult this list throughout the year when you want to submit a news story.

3. Follow up with a call to the station a few weeks after you submit the press release. If you can leave a message or talk to a person about your story, you have a chance of convincing the person of the relevance of the story.

4. Pay close attention to the news. If you see something that applies to your service or your industry, email the producer or chief of staff to tell them you would be happy to appear as an expert in your industry. You can be the face of your company, which will increase your brand awareness.

* For example, if you are a nutritionist, you can give advice on how to combat diabetes, after a major report on diabetes comes out in the news. If you own a gym, you can give people tips on how to get ready for a hometown marathon or swimsuit season.

5. Submit your story ideas to local talk shows, public access shows and political shows as well as television shows.

6. Brainstorm ideas that are not time sensitive every few months and submit them to shows in advance. If you have a story idea for Christmas, submit it in October, so that the television show has time to put it on their schedule. Do not do this too often, or you may be seen as an annoyance rather than an expert.

Sponsor an Event

7. Become a sponsor for an upcoming event. Choose an event that gets TV publicity every year. Pay money to help put on the event, if the event promises to post your business name and logo on printed materials and announces it on television and radio.

a. You may also choose to align yourself with a charity event. This promotes good causes and can often be tax deductible for your company. At the same time, your business name can appear in conjunction with the positive event.

b. Your company may also allocate resources or expertise instead of money to an event, in return for a sponsorship credit. Creating a relationship with a yearly event may allow you to have yearly, pre-arranged sponsorship advertising.


1. Network with television hosts, announcers, executives, advertising representatives and producers. If you develop your reputation as an expert, then it will be easier to suggest ideas in the future.

2. If you cannot create a press release for your own products, expertise or services, hire a public relations (PR) firm to do an all-purpose release for your business. You can contract out to them to do specific releases in the future as well.


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